Smart Contract Audit Agency | Bitdeal

Bitdeal - Smart Contract Auditing Services Firm  

Bitdeal is the firm which provides complete smart contract auditing services to prevent the codings from attacks . Our Experts undergoes various researches and conduct many testings to checkout all the errors and fixes everything with other suitable codings and also does the auditing process for the second time .

Bitdeal has Smart Contract Auditing Flow as follows 

1 . Contact with you to collect the complete details about the smart contract that you have sent for audit .
2 . Analyse and confirm with you about the cost and duration for the auditing process.
3 . By using specialized tools , we audit your smart contract codings .
4 . After the completion of audit we report you with theresults .

Bitdeal's smart contract audit report covers the following details 
1 . Disclaimer
2 . Origin Details for the audit .
3 . High Vulnerabilities 
4 . Low Vulnerabilities 
5 . General Guidance on code improvements . 
5 . After identifing the issues and errors , we try to fix everything to make it bugfree .
6 . Finally , we do a re-auditing process to findout whether the fixings work well .

Now , your smart contract has been gone through the auditing process successfully and it is perfectly ready to publish to the market for the usage .

We , Bitdeal works on smart contracts of all kinds of industries and help them reduce the complexity in their codings .

Get a free demo for your smart contract auditing from Bitdeal !!!
